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Group Esoteric Acupuncture Activations

lightworker training academy

practitioner training

Lightworker Training Academy

Private Practice

Private practice in Byron Bay, NSW, Australia; 1 on 1 Esoteric Acupuncture and Lightbody Activation


Metatron’s Cube: A New Encoding Pattern


This Esoteric Acupuncture text presents Metatron’s Cube, a 13-Gateway New Encoding Pattern and Lightbody Activation process. As with all of the New Encoding Patterns from Esoteric Acupuncture, the purpose of this pattern is to support the expansion of consciousness at both personal and planetary scales. 
The rapidly increasing complexity of this time and quantum evolutionary growth naturally requires a parallel development in the human energetic system—the ‘Lightbody’. In preparation for the global paradigm shift currently underway this pattern offers a method to stabilise the energies of the Heart Field, along with new ways of rapidly communicating and processing information, including greater access to the networked collective mind of humanity. 
In this way we begin to access and interact with ‘5D reality’ and the emergence of a planetary blueprint for the New Earth.

Metatron’s Cube: A New Encoding Pattern
EBOOK for download

Metatron’s Cube: A New Encoding Pattern Paperback
(Australia only, free shipping)

Metatron’s Cube: A New Encoding Pattern
Paperback (everywhere else, worldwide)


about Steven

Steven Booth is a Qualified Acupuncture Practitioner and Master Lightworker, with extensive experience with meridian-based body work (Shiatsu), Raja Yoga mediation, and is serious practitioner of Qigong and the Chinese Internal Martial arts of Taijiquan and Baguazhang. 
He involved in the Integral Taoism movement, and not-for-profit Agency for Advanced Development of Integral Intelligence (AADII).

His main focus is currently on expanding and making more accessible the Esoteric Acupuncture system of Dr Mikio Sankey (Ph.D, LAc), and other Lightbody Activation processes, for expanded consciousness, spiritual development and service.  While drawing on Esoteric and Transpersonal frameworks, Steven remains grounded and practical in his approach.

Aside from private practice, he runs regular meditation classes, group activation sessions,  depth exploration and process work.  He also offers self-development and practitioner training in this work through Seven Stars Lightworker Training Academy.


Events & Workshops

Learn healing methods for personal growth and transformation
Antahkarna Meditation

Personal Development Practice

Group Sessions

Private, public and corporate group activations.

Meditation Programs

Online and in person meditation programs

Lightbody Activation

For the New Human


What is available?

Experience this work first hand, in person or online - alone or in a group setting.
Private Clinical Sessions

Private clinical sessions with Steven are available in Byron Bay (NSW)

Group Esoteric Acupuncture

Experience the amplified energies of  group Esoteric Acupuncture activations and guided meditation.  Work together with common intention in a ceremonial space.

Further Exploration: Process and Depth Work

A small number of longer sessions are available for those wishing to dive into deeper exploratory processes. These sessions utilise a wide range of technologies from bodywork, breathwork, transpersonal counselling, ritual, art therapy, lightbody activation, meditation and journey work. These highly personalised sessions typically last around 5hrs, are by appointment only, and begin at $1100(inc GST). A waiting list and interview process apply. Enquire if these sessions may be suitable for you.

Lightbody Activation & Embodied Sacred Geometry

Drawing from the New Encoding Patterns of Esoteric Acupuncture, and work with the Selenite Swords of Light, these sessions activate the embodied sacred geometries of higher consciousness.


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Sessions Available in Byron Bay, NSW

I've opened my books to the public again, and seeing clients who are interested in Esoteric Acupuncture and Lightbody Activation in the Byron Bay area. BOOK NOW

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Esoteric Festival 2019
I’ll be attending Esoteric Festival over Labour Day Weekend (8-11 March 2019) in Donald, Victoria, and presenting a workshop titled: Activating the Embodied Sacred Geometries of Esoteric Acupuncture In this workshop we’ll use meditation and qigong methods of…

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lightworker training academy
Practitioner Training

Lightworker Training Programs
Seven Stars Lightworker Academy