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Metatron’s Cube: A New Encoding Pattern E-BOOK


Metatron’s Cube: A New Encoding Pattern
Dr Steven Booth (CM)
Seven Stars Academy
ISBN: 978-0-6487326-0-0
E-book Edition, Nov 2019
© Seven Stars Academy Press 2019
OCC011010 BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Healing / Energy
MED001000 MEDICAL / Acupuncture
RRP AU $13.00

Metatron’s Cube: A New Encoding Pattern

This Esoteric Acupuncture text presents Metatron’s Cube, a 13-Gateway New Encoding Pattern and Lightbody Activation process. As with all of the New Encoding Patterns from Esoteric Acupuncture, the purpose of this pattern is to support the expansion of consciousness at both personal and planetary scales.

The rapidly increasing complexity of this time and quantum evolutionary growth naturally requires a parallel development in the human energetic system—the ‘Lightbody’. In preparation for the global paradigm shift currently underway this pattern offers a method to stabilise the energies of the Heart Field, along with new ways of rapidly communicating and processing information, including greater access to the networked collective mind of humanity. In this way we begin to access and interact with ‘5D reality’ and the emergence of a planetary blueprint for the New Earth.


Metatron’s Cube: A New Encoding Pattern
Dr Steven Booth (CM)
Seven Stars Academy
ISBN: 978-0-6487326-0-0
E-book Edition, Nov 2019
© Seven Stars Academy Press 2019
OCC011010 BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Healing / Energy
MED001000 MEDICAL / Acupuncture
RRP AU $13.00


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